
DiseaseEnhancer Version 1.0.2

Disease-associated enhancer pairs curated from literatures: This file contains 1059 disease-associated enhancers in 167 human disease, involving 395 target genes. Sorted by disease name. - id: unique identifier for each enhancer in DiseaseEnhancer database
- chr, start, end: genomic location of disease enhancers.
- DiseaseType: the disease which disease-associated enhancer involved in.
- TargetGene: The gene targeted by disease-associated enhancer, veritified by 3C-like experiments, or gene pertubation experiments, or bioinfomatics methods.
The mutation information annotated for disease-associated enhancer: This file contains the curated annotation of the variants on the disease-associated enhancers, involving 1935 enhancer-associated variants. Sorted by target gene name. - id: unique identifier for each enhancer in DiseaseEnhancer database
- VariantType: the genetic variant type, including SNP, CNV, mutation, indel, rearrangement and SV.
- VariantName: the genetic variant which change the disease enhancer state.
- chr, start, end: genomic location of the risk genetic variants.
- TargetGene: The gene targeted by disease-associated enhancer, veritified by 3C-like experiments, or gene pertubation experiments, or bioinfomatics methods.
- MutationType: the change in DNA sequence by the genetic variant, for example, a C to T transition.
- VariantConsequence: the change in enhancer activity and the affected TF bindings.
- PMID: the PubMed ID of all references.
The information annotated for enhancer-target: This file contains 803 unique enhancer-gene interactions, ignoring disease types. Sorted by disease name. - id: unique identifier for each enhancer in DiseaseEnhancer database.
- chr, start, end: genomic location of disease enhancers.
- TargetGene: The gene targeted by disease-associated enhancer, veritified by 3C-like experiments, gene pertubation experiments, or bioinfomatics methods.

DiseaseEnhancer Version 1.0.1

Disease-associated enhancer pairs curated from literatures: This file contains 847 disease-associated enhancers in 143 human disease, involving 308 target genes. Sorted by disease name.The information of each entry arranged as described above.
The mutation information annotated for disease-associated enhancer: This file contains the curated annotation of the variants on the disease-associated enhancers, involving 1450 enhancer-associated variants. Sorted by target gene name.The information of each entry arranged as described above.
The information annotated for enhancer-target: This file contains 603 unique enhancer-gene interactions, ignoring disease types. Sorted by disease name.The information of each entry arranged as described above.